Unique Initiatives that Maximize Our Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi)
Commitment to Safety
Establishment of new testing/evaluation methods & application to product development
In order to have consumers use our products safely, we have always conducted patch and sting tests by placing samples on human skin, as well as other tests to verify preservative properties. However, we will need to deliver higher value and better functionality when developing materials and product types in order to keep providing consumers with our concept of Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi). For that, it will be important to confirm safety through conventional testing and evaluation methods, and to predict and avoid risks when consumers use our products. Mandom strives to establish testing and evaluation methods concerning safety and applies those to product development so that consumers can use our products safely and the company can continue challenging itself to provide a higher level of Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi) to consumers.
In addition, the global trend of prohibiting and avoiding animal testing is growing rapidly, and so there is a need to develop safe evaluation methods in its place. Mandom was quick to begin researching alternatives to animal testing and is contributing to the revitalization of the cosmetics industry as a whole by through efforts such as international research grants, etc.

Example 1: Establishment of Evaluation Methodologies for Measuring the Preservative Properties of Sheet-Type Products
It is said that it is difficult to give the non-woven fabrics used in products such as facial masks and body sheets preservative properties since it is easier for microbes to multiply in those products compared to liquid products. Mandom employs various perspectives when verifying methods for evaluating the preservative properties of its sheet-type products, and as a result it has established an original evaluation method using thermal measurements, and applies that method to its product evaluations.
Example 2: Efforts Towards Finding Alternatives to Animal Testing

In 2013, Mandom was one of the first companies in the cosmetics industry to quickly announce that it will not conduct animal testing. Aside from shoring up its internal corporate structure, the company is also striving to develop alternative methods by collaborating with organizations including public institutions and scientific organizations. Mandom has also been giving international research grants every year since 2008, and in recognition of its long standing contributions to the industry, the company was given a distinguished service award in 2017 by the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments.