Important Sustainability Issues (Materiality)

Material Issue 4 Actions for sustainable global environment


Switching over to a recycling-based society in our view, we will take measures to reduce our environmental burden at all stages of the life cycle of products, including less dependence on plastics. Regarding reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, we hope to realize virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Recently, the severity of environmental problems such as climate change and plastic marine pollution have been increasing year by year, and the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released in 2021 states that “It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land.” The report concluded that human activities are also responsible for the increase in extreme events such as heat waves and heavy rainfall that have been occurring frequently in recent years.

We recognize that the growing awareness of our stakeholders, including consumers and investors, toward the global environment will have an impact on the continuity of the Company's business activities in the future, and we believe that promoting global environmental initiatives as a company will enhance our corporate value.

Related SDGs

6 安全な水とトイレを世界中に8 働きがいも経済成長も12 つくる責任つかう責任13 気候変動に具体的な対策を14 海の豊かさを守ろう15 陸の豊かさも守ろう17 パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう


Eco-friendliness in products

Eco-friendliness of products

We place eco-friendliness as one of our product values and promote efforts to create value that empathizes with society in accordance with the Mandom Group Eco-Friendliness Product Standards. These standards will be updated on an ongoing basis, with reference to the latest information on technology and developments in Japan and overseas while taking into account views, expectations and wishes of all our diverse stakeholders.

Life cycle stage Environmental Issues environmental-friendliness standards
Procurement of rawmaterials Biodiversity conservation
Forest conservation
Product that uses recycled paper with 80%+ content of waste paper pulp as material for its outer and inner box package inserts and other paper-based items
Product that uses FSC certified paper as material for its outer and inner boxes, package inserts and other paper-based items
Product that uses raw and other materials that have satisfied other international environmental certification systems or criteria
Climate change
Carbon neutrality / CO2 emissions reduction
Product that uses 25%+ plant-derived biomass content for its container and packaging materials
Product that uses 10%+ biomass content for its laminate packaging
Product that uses 25%+ recycled materials for its container and packaging materials
Product that uses 50%+ recycled materials for its laminate packaging
Product use Product that uses 20%+ less in power for dryer and gas for hot water supply when product is used, compared against benchmark.
Water use reduction Product that uses 20%+ less water when product is used, compared against benchmark.
Disposal Waste reduction Product that eliminates use of main container and packaging materials or reduces weight or dimension to achieve 10%+ less use of such packaging, compared against benchmark
Product that eliminates use of individually packaged units or reduces weight by 10%+ of such packaging, compared against benchmark
Refill product that reduces container weight by 50%+, compared to standard container weight.
Plastic waste reduction Product that has switched from petroleum-based plastic to alternative materials (e.g. paper, glass)
Other Recycling
Circular economy
Product that uses mono materials that make separation for disposal easier
  • Product that satisfies one or more of the criteria above shall be considered an eco-friendly product.
  • The benchmark will be a product manufactured in 2016 when Mandom revised the Environmental Policy.
(FSC® N003667)

Initiatives to reduce plastic waste

Plastic packaging, which is widely used in various fields including cosmetics, has the advantages of being lightweight, durable, and easy to process. On the other hand, it becomes so-called “marine plastic” if it is not disposed of and managed properly and ends up in the sea, and there is growing concern about its impact on the ecosystem. In addition, plastics derived from fossil resources generate a large volume of CO2 emissions in their manufacturing process and when incinerated, and are also said to be a cause of global warming.
Having positioned the reduction of plastic waste as a top-priority challenge in the eco-friendliness of its products, the Mandom Group will strengthen its efforts through the 4Rs (reduce (reduce use and emissions), reuse, recycle, and renewable (replace with renewable materials)) to work towards reducing the use of plastics derived from fossil resources and addressing social challenges.

Environmentally friendly products, promotional items

Example of “Reduce”
A 10 percent or more reduction in plastic use by eliminating outer packaging has been achieved for our renewed mandom Happy Deo FACE SHEET.​

Example of “Reuse”
We developed refill products in order to reuse main containers and reduce waste.​

Example of “Recycle”​
We use recycled materials for the blister packaging of our
GATSBY Premium Type Deodorant Roll On series and
LÚCIDO-L Hair Styling Stick.​

Example of “Renewable”​​
We changed the outer box of our “GB Hair Self Trimming Kit” and “GB Mens Eyebrow Kit” and the cases housing the accompanying scissors and other elements from a plastic to a paper-based

For more information on our eco-friendly products and other green initiatives, please refer to the following page.​