Important Sustainability Issues (Materiality)

Material Issue 3 Realizing mutual growth of employees and the company


We will promote work-style reform to improve "productivity per unit," "growth of individuals and job satisfaction" and "creativity" so that all employees as "human assets" may support the company and society.

Companies should be able to accommodate diverse work styles, promote the career development of individual employees, and support the upgrading and shifting of skills, while providing diverse forms of employment and opportunities. At the same time, employees should be continually learning once they have entered the workforce, acquiring new skill sets that suit the times, and grow while leading the way in value creation through education, training, and working day-to-day.

Given this social environment, at Mandom employees must take responsibility as Human Assets to provide support for the Company and society. The Company, in turn, shall seek to develop their capabilities as Human Assets and provide this diverse talent pool with opportunities for motivation and active engagement. Employee well-being relies on working for a company that they can feel good
about and where they can grow, and talented workers are important for the sustainable growth of the company. In today's era of rapidly changing values, both employee growth and company transformation are necessary.

Related SDGs

1 貧困をなくそう5 ジェンダー平等を実現しよう8 働きがいも経済成長も


Practice of work styles that enhance productivity and creativity

Creating a comfortable work environment for all employees

We have a flexible working hour system without core hours (in principle) that enables employees to work flexibly during work hours as well as to choose when to start and end work. We also have a work-from-home system that enables employees to choose their home or another family member's home as a place of work. This system has been introduced in light of an expected increase in the number of employees needing to balance work and caregiving. By using the two systems to promote hybrid work combining office work with remote work, we strive to create a comfortable work environment for all employees. Furthermore, we encourage employees to feel free to take childcare leave.

Creating a comfortable work environment for all employees

Flexible working hour system

Proposing hybrid-style work with fusion
between at office and at-home work

Work-from-home system

Promoting the proactive taking of childcare leave by employees

As part of our general employer action plan (between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2023) based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life, we adopted the goal of achieving 100% of childcare leave taken by both male and female employees. Looking to achieve that goal, we conducted efforts such as having the Human Resources Division make proactive announcements aimed at having eligible employees take childcare leave and requiring three-party interviews between all eligible employees, their superior and the Human Resources Division. During a three-party interview, the eligible employee should be informed about the childcare support system, and a childcare leave plan should be submitted by his/her superior.

Example of initiatives
  • Abolishment of core time as a general rule as well as “introduction of flexible working hour system” that enables employees to work flexibly during work hours, not just at the start and end of them
  • “Introduction of work-from-home system” that covers “family residence” based on balance with caregiving
  • Proposing hybrid-style work with fusion between atoffice and at-home work by utilizing the above two systems
Trend in percentage of childcare leave taken
Supplementary information
  • Results of Mandom Corporation (non-consolidated) as of March 31 of each year
  • For percentages of childcare leave taken, percentages of childcare leave, etc. taken under Article 71-4, item (i) of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor No. 25 of 1991) were calculated based on the provisions of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Act No. 76 of 1991).
  • For the results of male employees for FY2021, given that certain employees who were eligible to take childcare leave in FY2020 took that leave in FY2021, the number of employees who took childcare leave in FY2021 exceeded the eligible number, yielding a percentage result of over 100%.