Connecting with Suppliers

Building and implementing a CSR procurement system

Against a backdrop of rapidly advancing globalization and growing societal challenges to be resolved, there is an ever-increasing demand on us to implement sustainability initiatives, contributing to the creation and development of a sustainable society as part of our corporate social responsibility.

As our business becomes more globalized and diversified, both the complexity and scope of our supply chain increase. The globalization of production and material procurement has given rise to societal problems upstream in our supply chain, particularly in emerging and developing countries, with regards to the environment, human rights, and labor. Under such circumstances, it is now more important than ever for us to focus on these areas of concern throughout the value chain, not only within our areas of business, when engaging in purchasing activities.

We at the Mandom Group have selected “Sustainable procurement of raw materials” as one of the material issues (materiality) in sustainability, taking thoughtful action based on our Purchasing Policy . We have also established a set of Supplier CSR Guidelines, which we have requested all our suppliers to take note of and to share with companies and subcontractors further upstream in our supply chain. To gauge how the guidelines are implemented, we conduct monitoring on a regular basis using the CSR/Sustainable Procurement Self-assessment Tool Set, which is recommended by Global Compact Network Japan. We hope that the results of the monitoring will lead to discussions on how best to deliver socially responsible procurement that takes account of social and environmental impacts and minimizes related risks. Moreover, we will work together with our suppliers to gradually but surely bring greater transparency to the supply chain.

Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines

In an era of rapid globalization and diversifying societal challenges, there is increasing demand on us to uphold our responsibility as a corporate citizen-to make a genuine contribution to the creation and development of a sustainable society.
As our business too becomes more global and diverse, both the complexity and scope of our supply chain increases. The globalization of production sites and material procurement gives rise to problems upstream in our supply chain-particularly in emerging countries-with regards to the environment, human rights, and labor. As well as within our areas of business, it is now more important than ever to promote and improve these areas of concern throughout the value chain.

We at the Mandom Group will continue our efforts to improve CSR performance. In order to encourage sustainable procurement throughout the value chain, we have established a set of Supplier CSR Guidelines which all our suppliers are required to comply with. By ensuring compliance and sharing these guidelines with companies and subcontractors upstream in our supply chain, we hope to start a dialog on how best to carry out socially responsible procurement in order to minimize risks and maximize social and environmental impact.
Moreover, we will work together with our suppliers to gradually but surely bring greater transparency to the supply chain.

Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines (Version 2)

Mandom Group values our suppliers as partners in promoting sustainable development. We extend our support to suppliers that comply with the Guidelines as set forth below.

Click the following table to enlarge.

Revisions to the Guidelines

We will make revisions to the Guidelines to respond to changes both within and outside the Mandom Group as circumstances demand. Revisions will be posted on our website. Please note that further consent and/or confirmation of compliance status will be required.