Editorial Policy/Guidelines (Content Index)

Regarding Communication with Stakeholders and Reporting

To improve our communication with a diverse range of stakeholders at Mandom, we will utilize the corporate website and strive to publish information on a timely basis. Since the first Mandom Environmental Report issued in 2003, we have been striving to present reports that make it easy to understand the thoughtful actions we have been taking toward sustainable social development.

Initially, the report focused entirely on environmental information, but later we began including more information on our social activities and corporate governance issues. In 2005 we issued a Social/Environmental Communication Report, which in 2011 we renamed the "KohDoh Report." (Since 2019、CSR KohDoh Report is now part of the Mandom Report.)

In addition, with regard to our website, in light of our participation in the UN Global Compact since September 2015 and our strengthening of our sustainability promotion system in response to international guidelines such as the ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social responsibility and the Global Reporting Initiative, we added a CSR information page in 2016 and renewed it as the Sustainability page in 2024 in order to provide wider, easier to understand and more comprehensive information to our diverse and wide-ranging stakeholders.

The revamped Sustainability page of our website organizes information about our Actions and Ideas from the perspectives of materialities and ESG and provides the latest information on the Mandom Group’s sustainability promotion structure, overviews of our materialities, and our Actions and Ideas based on these.

We will continue to present relevant information through the corporate website, aiming to maintain clear and timely communication that will be of value to our diverse stakeholders and help to foster sustainability in society.

Scope and Time Frame

Here we will list information about Mandom Corp. and group companies in Japan and outside of Japan. The activities of various sites within Japan will be covered — Mandom's Fukusaki Factory, office buildings (head office, Tokyo Nihonbashi Office, Marketing Aoyama Office), and various sales locations.

Information by financial year will be presented in line with the following accounting periods.(More recent information may also be included)

  • Japan (domestic): April 1-March 31
  • Overseas group: January 1-December 31

Reference Guidelines, etc.

  • ISO 26000:2010 — Guidance on Social Responsibility
  • Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 Edition), Ministry of the Environment, Japan
  • Global Reporting Initiative "Sustainability Reporting Standards"

GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards Content Index

The Mandom Sustainability Information website has been developed in accordance with the Core option of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards. To provide the active information disclosure expected and demanded by our diverse, wide-range of stakeholders, we are posting information and data on items other than the Core, to the extent it can be aggregated at the present time. For details, please see the following index of content.