Area-based Social Initiatives
Supporting the Cosme Bank Project
The Cosme Bank Project is run by the General Incorporated Association Bank for Smiles. We have supported the
project since its pilot stage and have donated approximately 15,000 pieces of cosmetics.
This project is designed to connect companies with a sleeping stock of cosmetics that have no future
destinations and mothers in single-parent families suffering economic hardships. We hope that it will bring
smiles to as many faces as possible with the power of cosmetics. The aim of this project is to help such
mothers become what they want to be, which is in line with our corporate slogan "BE ANYTHING, BE
EVERYTHING." We will continue to support this project.
Area-based Social Initiatives
Head Office Initiatives
Concerts at Head Office
Starting in 2008, two concerts a year have been held in the first floor lobby of the head office building to which residents from the nearby area and others are invited. The music has ranged from classical to popular, with the audiences enjoying live performances by professional musicians.
Local residents and employees at a concert

Blood Drive at the Head Office
Most people requiring blood transfusions are elderly and with a declining birthrate in Japan, combined with
an aging population, there is a danger of a blood shortage in the future.
Since 1993 at the Mandom head office we have been cooperating with Japanese Red Cross Society industry
association blood drives, holding our drive in the heat of the summer when blood donations among companies
are low. Every year many employees and area residents give blood.

Fukusaki Factory Initiatives
Job Experience for Junior High School Students
Hyogo Prefecture has been running a "trial week" program for 8th-grade students in the prefecture to learn
more about their local area by choosing a workplace experience for one week. Mandom's Fukusaki Factory has
accepted students since first year of the program in 1998. High school students also have the chance to
experience working at the factory.
The students are given hands-on tasks in different processes that go into manufacturing a product or
in environmental improvement efforts. Commenting on the experience, students have said things like, "Work on
the production line was fun" and "I learned how difficult work can be." Those in charge of looking after the
students have said things like, "They became more dependable little by little" and "They talked with such
enthusiasm that I also became enthusiastic."
Junior high school students working at the Fukusaki Factory

Fukusaki Industrial Park Joint Clean-up
Every year we participate in the clean-up events run by the Fukusaki Industrial Park.