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Q&A on Transporting Products

Can I take aerosol products like hair foam in carry-on baggage on an aircraft?

Japanese domestic flights
Yes, up to 0.5 liters or 0.5 kilograms per container, up to a maximum of two liters or two kilograms per person.

International flights
  • All fluids must be contained in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 milliliters. (Containers larger than 100 ml will not be accepted even if the contents are 100 ml or less. “Fluids” include gels, aerosols, sprays, etc.)  
  • Containers must be kept and fit comfortably in a clear zip-top plastic bag of no more than 1-liter capacity and measuring no more than 40 centimeters (height + width).
  • Only one such bag is permitted per passenger.

Note however, that each country has its own rules, and fluids carried on board in Japan may still be confiscated overseas.

For details, ask your airline or visit Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website.
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