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Q&A on Troubleshooting

When dyeing my hair, what do I need to prevent clothes and household items from getting stained?

How to prevent staining things with hair dye
Wash or wipe the hair dyeing product off straight away if you accidentally get it on something.
If you leave it, it will become impossible to remove.
The best way to prevent staining is to be prepared, read the instructions and use the product properly.

You will need:












Oil-based cream


Rubber bands


Ear covers






Shampoo & conditioner

(included with
user instructions) 

Protecting the surrounding area

  • Protect the floor, wall, and other surfaces with newspaper or cloth.
  • Have a damp towel ready to wipe away any spillage.
  • Wet your bathtub and bathroom walls in advance to prevent dye from soaking in.

Pre-dyeing preparations


Pre-dyeing preparations


When rinsing


Rinse the gloves thoroughly before rinsing your hair.


Use gentle water pressure to prevent spattering of water containing dye.


After rinsing and shampooing, wash your bathtub and bathroom walls thoroughly. If any areas are left unwashed, a stain may appear after some time passes.

*Hair dyeing products may, in rare cases, cause severe allergic reactions.
Read here before use.

Hair Coloring Q&A

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