Decent Work and Work-Life Balance

Aiming to Achieve Decent Work

At Mandom we aim to achieve Decent Work practices, encourage proper health management by employees, and promote work-life balance, having in place the following systems and measures.

Main Efforts in Achieving Decent Work and Work-Life Balance

Decent Work/Health Care

Employee awareness surveys The company surveys full-time and contract employees to collect information to understand and address issues of individual departments and the whole company from two viewpoints, that is, employee engagement and the environment that gets the most out of the employees.
Based on the survey results, the company conducts an analysis of corporate-wide issues, which will be reflected in its corporate philosophy education, management policies and measures.
Each department also conducts its own analysis of the survey results to help develop a better organizational climate.
every year since 2018
Once a year (FY2022: October)
Target: All employees in Japan and abroad
Stress checks In accordance with our "Stress Check System Based on the Amended Industrial Safety and Health Act" which came into effect on December 1, 2015, we have expanded the scope of stress checks to all employees in collaboration with an EAP organization. Individuals are informed of the results and anonymous statistics are compiled and analyzed by division and department. Once a year (August)
Target: All employees
In FY2022: 1001 employees had their stress levels checked (92.2% of all employees).
Health checks Periodic health checks are conducted for all employees and thorough physical examinations are recommended for employees and spouses over the age of 35, with subsidies provided. We pay the full amounts for general health checks and up to 45,000 yen for thorough physical examinations at medical facilities. Once a year
General health checks: July to November
Physical examinations at medical facilities: June to December
Target: All employees in Japan
Number of employees examined in FY2022: 1,069 (95.7% of all employees in Japan)
Health checks for health insurance dependents We also encourage our employees' dependent family members to undergo health checks, and we subsidize the costs. For general health checks, we pay 90 percent of the costs (however, if the calculated amount exceeds the maximum subsidy amount, we pay 10,000 yen); for thorough physical examinations at medical facilities, we pay up to 45,000 yen; for lifestyle disease health checks and specific health checkups, we pay the entire costs. Once a year
General health checks: July to November
Physical examinations at medical facilities: June to December
Lifestyle disease health checks and specific health checkups: June to March
Target: Dependent spouses, and other dependent family members (parents, siblings, etc.) aged 40 to 74
Number of dependents examined in FY2022: 193
Smoking Rate Reduction Measures We aim to reduce the smoking rate in the Company by prohibiting smoking on the company premises during standard working hours, except during break time, and by supporting employees with medical fees for smoking cessation clinics. As required
Working with industrial physicians An industrial physician makes the rounds at the head office and Fukusaki Factory, joins the Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings held once a month to improve the workplace and provide health guidance.
In addition, in order to prevent employees from becoming seriously ill, a public health nurse, who has been employed at the head office since FY2021, has provided health guidance and other health support in collaboration with the industrial physician at the head office.
As required
3 industrial physicians (Head Office, Nihonbashi/Aoyama, Fukusaki Factory)
1 public health nurse (Head Office)
Health guidance to be provided (either in person or online) by the industrial physician and the public health nurse at the head office
Medical treatment and work support So that employees can continue to work with peace of mind even while undergoing medical treatment, we have published the Medical Treatment and Work Guidebook that outlines our various support systems, and we have also set up a consultation desk. As required

Work-Life Balance

Childcare/Elderly care support system A support system is in place to enable employees who would otherwise be constrained by childcare or elderly care to continue in their jobs. We have made it compulsory for all employees eligible for childcare support to attend an interview with their manager and the human resource department to promote use of the system.
A consultation desk was set up in-house to improve support for employees with regard to balancing work and elderly care.
As required
Key Data on Personnel and Labor
Flexible working hours We introduced this system to make working hours more flexible and correspond to varying workloads. This will allow employees to invest more time in their health and education, which we hope will lead to enhanced productivity and creativity.
The company relaxed eligibility requirements and abolished "core hours" in FY2020 to facilitate flexible working arrangements.
Eligibility: All employees, excluding some professions
Work-from-home system In order for each and every one of our diverse range of employees to be able to work comfortably, and to create a meaningful working environment in which they can maximize their potential, we have implemented a work-from-home system.
The company relaxed eligibility requirements, abolished usage limit, and started payment of remote work allowance in FY2020.
Eligibility: All employees, excluding some professions
Leave for Special Circumstances For special circumstances permitted by the Company, including cases where an employee is undergoing fertility treatment, where an employee's child is not attending school, etc., employees are permitted to take leave of up to six months. No employees took a Leave for Special Circumstances in FY2022.

Job Development and New Hiring

Employment of the Elderly A retiree reemployment system was introduced in FY2006, and was updated to comply with changes in the law made in 2013.
The retirement age was raised to 65 with the New HR Systems introduced in FY2020.
The retirement age was raised from 60 to 65 in FY2020. No reemployment measures are in place for those aged 65 and over.
Reemployment system (Former employees) We have set up a reemployment system for former employees so that outstanding individuals who left Mandom midway through their careers for personal reasons can return to the company. One former employee was reemployed under this system in FY2022.
Leave for Employees Accompanying a Spouse Staying Overseas A leave of absence of up to three years is granted to the employees who accompany their spouses (including those employed by other organizations) staying overseas for six months or more for work, study or other reasons. No employees took this leave in FY2022.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

We have established various systems to enable work-life balance that allows employees to work while raising children and caring for elderly parents, as well as managing change at different stages in their lives.
Since 2009, we have been encouraging three-way meetings between pregnant employees, their supervisors, and the personnel department to remove anxiety about returning to work after the birth of a child.
Since 2019, we have also required male employees who have a spouse scheduled to give birth to hold a three-way meeting with their supervisor and the personnel department to thereby provide a thorough explanation of the various systems and leave entitlements.
With regard to support for caregiving, we have a care leave/work arrangement system plus an elderly-care leave system that allows for five extra days off per year. Starting in 2012, we instituted a system of flexible working hours plus a system that allows the use of pooled, invalidated paid leave for elderly-care leave.

*Click the following table to enlarge.

For information on general employer action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, please see the following website operated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

We are also working to create a workplace culture in Japan that promotes work-life balance and encourages men to be actively engaged in childcare. Toward this end, in fiscal 2015 we began participating in two Japanese government programs and launched tie-in campaigns within the company. The two campaigns are: the Change! JPN Campaign run by the Office for Work-Life Balance of the Cabinet Office and the Ikumen Project run by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

This campaign calls upon all employees to reduce overtime work and fully adopt the practice of taking a day off in lieu of each national holiday that falls on a Sunday, as well as using all annual paid leave.

Change! JPN Campaign (Japanese only)

The Ikumen Project calls upon all employees to create a workplace culture that makes it easy for men to take childcare leave. As one of Mandom's specialties is men's cosmetics, we feel a particular need to support the concept of "cool dads".

Ikumen Project (Japanese only)

Health management

Health management is an important issue for the Company because we understand that healthy employees enhance its value. In FY2020, we formulated a "Basic Health Policy." We also conduct health management initiatives so that our human resources, the company's foundation, can work with peace of mind; this means they and their families do not have to worry as much about health concerns.
In addition, we are investing in health through health-related goals of "reduction of absenteeism,""improvement of presenteeism," and "better work engagement." As indicators to measure these goals, we will set and manage changes in employee awareness and behavior, as well as their participation rates and level of satisfaction with our measures.

*Click to enlarge the figure below.
In recognition of our health-related efforts, we have been selected under the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (large enterprise category), a certification jointly implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Rectifying long work hours for employees

“Rectifying long work hours for certain employees” is a challenge of ours in our efforts to further promote health management at Mandom. At present, average overtime work per month for our employees is 15.5 hours. However, it has come to light that certain employees actually work long hours in excess of 30 per month (calculated with full-time employees including managers at Mandom Corporation (nonconsolidated) as the target using average hours per month for the three-year period between FY2020–2022).
We believe that by rectifying all long work hours and creating an environment in which our employees can work soundly, we will be able to realize the wellbeing of our employees themselves as well as the creation of various forms of new value and a further improvement in corporate value through that well-being. With that point in mind, Mandom has adopted a new target of “achieving ten hours or less of overtime work per month on average for all full-time employees (including managers) by FY2027,” and will proceed to tackle this target.

Defined contribution pension system

To support the lives of employees after retirement, the Mandom Group has adopted a defined contribution pension system since November 2003.
In 1985, we introduced a qualified retirement pension system, but due to reform of the public pension system, we revised our retirement allowance system to ensure income from retirement until age 65 (the age when eligibility to receive the national pension begins), to compress and stabilize retirement benefit obligations, and to meet the demands of increasing mobility and diversity amongst employees.

We currently make use of two types of corporate pension systems: a defined benefit plan (DB) and a defined contribution plan (DC). Employees can join these plans voluntarily, and intent to continue is reconfirmed once a year. If an employee has not joined either or both plans, then a pre-paid retirement allowance is paid as an addition to the biannual bonus. Also, due to the amendment of the Defined Contribution Pension Act in January 2017, it became possible for employees who have not joined a corporate defined contribution plan to join a personal defined contribution plan.
For our employees, we hold periodic study sessions to promote understanding of the system and asset management. We also provide support so that they can check their balance and asset status through web services, and carry out other tasks such as checking the performance of and making changes to investment products.